HOME CONSULENZA FOOD Organic products DIPOA - Brasil
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Organic products
DIPOA - Brasil

Would you like to export to Brazil?
Together with our partner in Sao Paolo, we handle all the necessary documentation for companies that are interested in entering the Brazilian market to obtain the DIPOA certificate, required to export to this country.

Do you need to update your DIPOA to the new online system?
As part of a modernization plan, the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) updated its regulations for products of animal origin.

This requires that all DIPOA registries to import to Brazil must be addressed through its new online system.


  • Registration in MAPA online platform

  • DIPOA registry updates

  • Product registration

  • File follow-up and compliance with DIPOA/MAPA online

Don't hesitate to contact us for more information!

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